
Authelia sends messages to users in order to verify their identity.


Example Configuration

This section is intended as an example configuration to help users with a rough contextual layout of this configuration section, it is not intended to explain the options. The configuration shown may not be a valid configuration, and you should see the options section below and the navigation links to properly understand each option individually.

  disable_startup_check: false
  template_path: ''
  filesystem: {}
  smtp: {}


This section describes the individual configuration options.


boolean false not required

The notifier has a startup check which validates the specified provider configuration is correct and will be able to send emails. This can be disabled with the disable_startup_check option.


string not required

Note: you may configure this directory and add only add the templates you wish to override, any templates not supplied in this folder will utilize the default templates.

This option allows the administrator to set a path to a directory where custom templates for notifications can be found. The specifics are located in the Notification Templates Reference Guide.


The filesystem provider.


The smtp provider.