authelia crypto hash generate argon2

authelia crypto hash generate argon2

Generate cryptographic Argon2 hash digests


Generate cryptographic Argon2 hash digests.

This subcommand allows generating cryptographic Argon2 hash digests.

authelia crypto hash generate argon2 [flags]


authelia crypto hash generate argon2 --help


  -h, --help              help for argon2
  -i, --iterations int    number of iterations (default 3)
  -k, --key-size int      key size in bytes (default 32)
  -m, --memory int        memory in kibibytes (default 65536)
  -p, --parallelism int   parallelism or threads (default 4)
      --profile string    profile to use, options are low-memory and recommended
  -s, --salt-size int     salt size in bytes (default 16)
  -v, --variant string    variant, options are 'argon2id', 'argon2i', and 'argon2d' (default "argon2id")

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config strings                        configuration files or directories to load, for more information run 'authelia -h authelia config' (default [configuration.yml])
      --config.experimental.filters strings   list of filters to apply to all configuration files, for more information run 'authelia -h authelia filters'
      --no-confirm                            skip the password confirmation prompt
      --password string                       manually supply the password rather than using the terminal prompt
      --random                                uses a randomly generated password
      --random.characters string              sets the explicit characters for the random string
      --random.charset string                 sets the charset for the random password, options are 'ascii', 'alphanumeric', 'alphabetic', 'numeric', 'numeric-hex', and 'rfc3986' (default "alphanumeric")
      --random.length int                     sets the character length for the random string (default 72)